Feathers From a Thousand Li Away
Lindo Jong had an arranged marriage, and was promised to marry Tyan-yu when she was two. Her mother referred to her as the child of Huang Taitai because she knew that Lindo would not be hers forever. When Lindo's home was flooded and her family was forced to move, she moved in with Tyan-yu. She then married him at the age of sixteen. Tyan-yu had Lindo sleep on the sofa for a while, but she was later able to sleep with him in the bed. However, he never touched her. Taitai blamed Lindo for not being able to bear children and even strapped her to the bed saying that this will help her to be fertile. Taitai did not realize Tyan-yu would not have relations with Lindo, and Lindo would never tell Taitai this fact. Lindo then pretended to have a dream in which the ancestors told her that the servant girl was carrying Tyan-yu's child. Taitai finally believed the story and the marriage between Tyan-yu and Lindo was annuled.
"I promised not to forget myself" (66).
It was hard in the past to express ones true self. People were forced into marriages with people they did not truely love, but marriage wasn't about love then. It was more about the money and the higher status one received in society. It was important then not to forget oneself, but it is just as important in society today. There are so many options and so many pressures that is important to stay true to oneself. It is great advice to stay true to who you are, but it is better to promise yourself that you will always remember who you are.
This quote provides a symbol within the story. The candle blowing out symbolized a failure in the marriage. Due to the fact that the candle did not burn continuously, it is said that the marriage could be broken.
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