Friday, July 29, 2011

Chapter Four: The Moon Lady--> Ying-ying St. Clair Term--> Dialogue

Feathers From a Thousand Li Away

Ying-ying was taken to the Moon Festival with her family. She was on a boat and she was told that she would see the Moon Lady. When fireworks started going off, she was startled and fell overboard. A fishermen caught her in his net and took her to shore where he figured her family would find her eventually. When she was waiting to be found there was a play going on about the Moon Lady and she made her wish to be found. 
"A face so tired that she wearily pulled of her hair, her long gown fell from her shoulders. And as the secret wish fell from my lips, the Moon Lady looked at me and became a man" (82).

This passage reminds me of little children being told that Santa Clause is not real. The disappointment and the shock the child feels is heartbreaking. All the years they believed have been wasted. They wished for him to be true and that he'd bring them presents if they were good, but all of the beliefs were shot down. Ying-ying's wish had become a selfish desire.

"'Who is the Moon Lady?'
'Chang-o. She lives on the moon and today is the only day you can see her and have a secret wish fulfilled.'
'What is a secret wish?'
'It is what you want but cannot ask,' said Amah.
'Why can't I ask?'
'This is because...because if you ask is no longer a wish but a selfish desire,' said Amah" (70).

Within the dialogue between Amah and Ying-ying, Amah explains the point of the Moon Festival and who the Moon Lady is. Ying-ying is a very curious child and Amah does not appreciate all of her questions.

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